Posted by: Deborah Drezon Carroll | December 14, 2011

Guest Post About Birthday Bashes for Your Amazing Daughters

My last post about how much I love my birthday and why I urge everyone to make a big deal about themselves on their birthdays (and to do the same for their kids), resulted in a reader response with an offer to write a guest post about fun birthday party ideas for girls. What I like about her post is that the party suggestions are essentially “homegrown.” No need for big expense in order to throw a great children’s birthday party. That’s my idea of a good time because anything that makes parenting a bit easier and more affordable is a winner. So, without further ado, here is Melissa C’s guest post. Enjoy!

Creative Ideas for Young Girls Birthday Parties

With boys party planning can be as simple as picking a video game theme like Super Mario party and running with it.  Girls can be a little more complex when it comes to planning their special event.  Even if they don’t want a princess themed party, the idea is to feel like a princess on their birthday no matter what.  Here are a few ideas for making your little girl’s day unique and fun for everyone.

1. Spa-Slumber Party

This is good for girls 9 and older.  Make face-masks, towels, nail polish, lotions and cucumber slices.  Enlist another mom or two and share your healthy beauty knowledge with the young ladies.  Show them how much fun pampering themselves and being super girly can be.

2. Tea Party

Have a bunch of absurdly large sun hats available or have the girls borrow one from their mom’s closets and throw your little ladies a tea party.  Mini-sandwiches, cookies, tea-cups and saucers.  Have a lot of costume jewelry and scarves handy for extra flair during dress up.

3. Make a Movie

Of course girls will want to be girls and play at the party, but if you’re a little bit of creative writer, you could stage a movie.  Make sure you have enough parts for each of the girls to play and they will get about equal screen time.  At the end of filming you can let them eat pizza and fiddle around with getting the film up on the TV for everyone to watch.  This will be a great thing to have for repeat viewing for the rest of your daughter’s life.

The only important thing about throwing your daughter a birthday party is that she has fun with her friends and feels special.  Have fun and minimize stress by asking for help from other moms.

If you want to learn more about helping your child learn manners by hosting a birthday party, check out this hub.


  1. These are some really good ideas, I particularly like the tea party. The make a movie seems fun too. But I may have to try the tea party.

  2. Ok, My daughter would love all of the ideas you have. It hard every year to come up with a fun idea for a b-day party. She is a creative kid so doing the movie thing she would love. But then she like all the glamorous tea party stuff to. Well its not like she wont be having other birthday, so she can try them all. This year she can choose one and then have the other next year. Fun, Fun, Fun! Juliette here, mom, wife and business owner of

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